You probably know that healing doesn’t generally happen if your thoughts are unhealthy or negative. In fact, if you are often doubt-ridden, this doubt has a powerful influence on your ability to manifest.
Creating change requires courage and a structured attempt to let go of cynicism and self-criticism.
One of the ways we sabotage ourselves is through our language. Every thought is a form of energy that we send out to the universe that returns to us. So how might creating positive affirmations, or statements, assist you in manifesting what you desire?
Many intuitives and spiritual teachers guide us in the creation of positive affirmations. Here are some tips toward creating affirmations that will assist you on your journey:
When you create an affirmation, state it positively. (“I am healthy” vs. “I am not ill.”)
State it in the present as if you already have what you desire. (“I have abundant wealth” vs. “I will have wealth.”)
Make it concise. A one-sentence, succinct affirmation is best. (“I am forgiving and loving.”)
Make the affirmation about you and not others. (“I am full of energy” vs. “I receive prayers from others.”)
Make the affirmation specific and achievable. (“I exercise three times each week” vs. “I will exercise.”)
When your affirmation is clear, repeat it consistently each day. Trust that the universe hears your voice and heeds your request. Each day give thanks for what you know you will receive.
Heartliving is branching out! In partnership with Metro Productions, I now have a YouTube Channel: HeartlivingVideo. Five videos have been posted so far and more will be added soon. Click here to become inspired. Subscribe to the channel to stay inspired.
Stay tuned for more services in the coming months to include webinars and e-courses. Subscribe to and follow me on Facebook for updates and special announcements.
My goal is to help inspire you to create a wonderful life!
Throughout the day, check in with your breathing. Is it shallow and tight? Are you tense, angry, anxious, or relaxed? If so, it is most likely reflected in your breathing. You might even be holding your breath as a way not to feel your emotions, particularly if they are negative.
Your breathing serves to connect you with yourself and others, so that not breathing fully can be an unconscious defense mechanism for disconnecting from emotions you’d rather not feel. Even though shallow breathing can lessen your ability to feel your emotions, it can also repress them so that you create a pressure cooker of emotions internally, creating dis-ease in the body.
To promote better health:
Check in with your breathing periodically throughout the day. Are you taking short, shallow breaths or is your breathing deep and relaxed?
Ask what is going on with you emotionally at that moment and how does your breathing reflect this?
If you realize that your breathing is shallow, take deeper breaths and check in with how you are feeling.
Are you able to expand the lower abdomen as you breathe in, opening the lower chakras with the breath?
With every inhalation, mentally reinforce that you are opening your body to a healthy flow of energy. The in-breath reflects the process of your own will–the taking in and connecting with life. The out-breath reflects the process of surrendering and letting go. The dance of your breathing will tell you much about your relationship to life.
Everyone, it’s time again for the annual Heart-to-Heart Event for women at my office in Norfolk, VA. This Heart Event is free and open to all women who are interested in learning more about the Leading from the Heart program for women. I will speak about the program, and women who have completed the program will be present to share their experiences. Please join us for delicious hors d’oeuvres, door prizes, and heart-felt sharing! If you are a Leading from the Heart Alumnae, come and share your story of taking the class or invite women whom you think may be interested in the Leading from the Heart program. This is the FIFTEENTH year and over 750 women have taken this life changing course!
Date: Sunday, August 11, 2013, 4:00 p.m.
Location: 2200 Colonial Avenue, Suite 17, Norfolk, VA 23517, U.S.A. (Cynthia’s Office)