I’m pleased to announce my new and much requested Heartliving seminar, Awakening & Enhancing Your Intuition!

This one-day information-packed workshop will be held 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 29, 2017, at the Virginia Beach Resort Hotel & Conference Center on the Chesapeake Bay!

It is one thing to get an idea or hunch, and another to understand it. During this session you will learn about and work directly with your intuition. Through lecture about important universal information, exercises, tools, and hypnotherapy to “enhance your intuition,” you will learn:

  • Basic Ideas and Principles of Intuition;
  • Exercises to Test Your Ability to Predict Outcomes and to Understand Your Own Strengths;
  • Ways to Determine Your Personal Intuitive Symbols;
  • Techniques for Enhancing Your Intuition and Quieting Your Mind to Access Intuition over Fear;
  • How to Create and Use a “Diagnostic Room” in Your Mind;
  • Participation in Hypnotherapy to Solidify the Room in Your Mind – to impress it for future reference;
  • Ways to Awaken to the Power of Synchronicity and to Being in Flow;
  • Understand “Dream Incubation” – how to let a solution emerge through a dream; and much more!

Program Fee: $165 (includes course materials, supplies, and food). EARLY BIRD SPECIAL $150.00 before 3/21/17

Conference space is limited. Your paid registration ensures that a space is held for you.

REFUND & CANCELLATION POLICY: All conference payments include an $85.00 nonrefundable fee. No refunds after April 5, 2017.

Ready to Enhance Your Life? Click Register

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