Allow for Healing through Sound!

music vibrationSound is vibration, and we are vibration.  Whether prayer, music, song, or chants—”sacred” sound can be an amazing healing force that has been considered a direct link to the divine.  The ancient mystery schools taught students to use sound as a creative force that had the potential to heal not only the body, but also the mind and spirit.

Everything in the Universe (including us) is vibration.  Every cell in the body is a sound resonator and has the capability of responding to any other sound outside of the body.  Every organ will also respond to particular sound vibrations.  The human body is a bio-electrical system in which the energy is created in varying frequencies through muscular actions.  Therefore, it can be altered, strengthened, or balanced through the use of sound.  It has been shown that steady, directed rhythms restore the body’s rhythms when they are out of balance.

Only you can determine what sounds evoke a sense of “sacredness” in your life.  These sounds are those that evoke powerful calming or healing feelings.  Here are a few suggestions:

  • If you have a heart connection to certain songs from your past, listen to them to evoke and heal emotions.
  • If you find certain songs energizing, play them while you are working either at home or in your office.
  • To quiet you at the end of the day, consider listening to soft instrumental music that has a calming effect.
  • Try singing as a way of healing and uplifting your spirit as well as opening your throat chakra.

My personal favorite CD’s and musicians are Enya, Merlin’s Magic, A Woman’s Heart, Garden of the Gods, to name a few.   There are numerous other wonderful options, including the music of crystal bowls, chanting, and so on.

Remember that your children and animals respond and benefit from the vibration of sacred sounds.

The Most Important Five Minutes of Your Day!

Spiritual writers for centuries have talked about the power of positive thought, mentioning how our thoughts create our reality.  A few have talked about the power of the thoughts you hold BEFORE falling asleep each evening, asserting that these thoughts are perhaps the most powerful.  Why?

As you sleep, you enter into your subconscious and unconscious levels of the mind.  These are deeply connected to your psyche, influencing your body, your health, and your reality at large.

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), remarkable renowned psychic and spiritual teacher, suggested that before bedtime, you should spend five to ten minutes imagining the body you wish to have–perfect weight, health, and vitality.  Since this would be the last thing on your mind before bedtime, your thoughts would continue to influence your deeper layers of the mind in your sleep state and, in turn, help you to manifest your desires.

Dr. Wayne Dyer in his book Wishes Fulfilled (2012) states that sleep is a natural state for the subconscious mind and advises that the last five minutes of your day BEFORE you enter the sleep state are “the most important five minutes of your day” (p. 136).  It is during this brief time that Dyer suggests you can do one of two things:  (1) Review the day in regard to frustrations and disappointments or (2) Allow yourself to reflect on and feel what it would be like for your “dreams to come true”–in other words, for you to have the best circumstances.

Recently, I had a difficult couple of days.  Things had not turned out as I had hoped they would in regard to a specific plan.  In fact, I felt betrayed by what felt like a “false presentation” of  opportunity that had been presented to me.

The first night I tossed and turned and woke up feeling such loss.  The day that followed felt dreary and it was hard to be positive as much as I was trying.

That second night, though, I thought about the power of the last five minutes.  I took several deep breaths, bringing mindfulness to my body.  Then I imagined the situation being “taken up” in a beautiful balloon and returned to the “heavens” to be transformed.  I saw in my awareness a much larger picture than the exchange that had taken place on this Earth plane in which I had felt disappointed.

In contrast, I saw that it had all been a lesson for me and that in the greater scheme of my life, all was well. I then focused on the people involved and saw and felt a stream of light from my heart being sent to theirs. I wished them well on this journey. I honestly felt so much peace.

The next morning I woke up feeling so much better–energized, peaceful, and happy.

I share this story with you because I know the power of this simple technique, and I encourage you each night to use it as a spiritual tool.  May it bring you  greater peace!


Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled!

From an evolutionary perspective, fear was meant to alert us about potential danger and to protect us. We may have been afraid of a sound that was heard in the forest in order to alert us to danger or afraid of a cloud formation that might signal a treacherous storm.

In modern times, many of our fears keep us bound and are not helpful in alerting us to danger. Instead, they are formed by a reactionary pattern that keeps us in a less desirable overall state.

We know that our thoughts create our reality. One of the major problems with unconscious fear is that the brain can be in a state of constant anticipation of negative things. We then focus our attention to look for ways to validate these fears. Fear becomes the gatekeeper of our comfort zone and causes us to limit our experiences.

What is helpful is to begin to think and respond differently, to hold a positive outlook.

What are some of the benefits of OPTIMISM?

  •  Based on the Law of Attraction (Like attracts like), by being optimistic, you will draw positive outcomes to yourself.
  •   Research shows that optimism leads people to better overall health.
  • Optimistic people are generally “luckier,” more successful, and regarded as more appealing.
  •   Studies have shown that imagining positive outcomes releases fear.
  •   The more optimistic you are, the more you create a pattern of response that perpetuates your positive feelings.

What are some steps to bring about more positive thinking?

  •  Recognize what is NOT happening in your life that you would LIKE to have happen.
  •   Identify what you CAN do to make it happen and focus on that.
  •   Fear and optimism cannot occupy the same space, so the more optimistic you can be and feel, the LESS fear you experience.
  •   Focus on one thing that makes you happy, that you are grateful for, and bring this into your mind whenever you experience a fearful thought.

You may be surprised that small steps toward optimism can bring about big changes. Combine optimism with gratitude and you are on your way to a better life!

Cynthia Bischoff Hosts a New Radio Show: Heart Living!

Cynthia’s new radio show, “Heart Living with Dr. Cynthia Bischoff” debuted LIVE in Boston on Sunday, November 4th, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. EST through Dreamvisions 7 Radio!  Click the link for her inaugural show Heart Living Radio.

“Heartliving with Dr. Cynthia Bischoff” airs LIVE, the first Sunday of each month, with frequent re-broadcasts.  For all  Heart Living airings, go to and scroll down to Cynthia’s link.

Tune in now, to be gain a deeper understanding of Heartliving Principles and be inspired!

The Power of Music and Your Vibration

I grew up in a family of musicians.  My father, who is now 86, was a musician by hobby and played music constantly in the evenings when I was growing up.  He often played the same song all evening until he perfected it.  I am fortunate that my father was an excellent musician!  I sincerely contribute my ability to “tune out” distractions, but also to drop into deep relaxation easily, as a result of always hearing music in my home.

Music is vibration.  We are vibrational, and so is our environment.  Often we have stressful days, and it is so helpful to wind down in the evening with music that can shift our moods and relax us.

What are some types of relaxing music?  Here are few suggestions:

Harp:  The peaceful sounds of the harp can lead you into deep states of relaxation by reducing your stress and tension;

Animal Sounds:  Beautiful sounds of dolphins and whales have been recorded on CD’s and have been shown to quiet crying babies.  These sounds are deep and low and evoke slow responses in our bodies;

Classical:  Certain long, slow, and rhythmic pieces such as those in symphonies are very relaxing.  Newer renditions of music by groups such as Enya are very spiritual and calming, moving the emotions;

Flowing Water and Nature Sounds:  The rhythms found in nature, such as a flowing river sound or the soft repetition of waves create a relaxing effect;

YOUR Own Favorite Pieces:  If you have positive associations with certain songs or artists, these can relax you and also uplift your spirit.

I learned to play guitar when I was 13 and grew up loving Paul Simon, Joni Mitchell, Jackson Browne, Judy Collins, Bob Dylan, The Eagles, Elton John, to name a few, and I still get energized by their music!  What are your favorite artists or songs?



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