Heal Yourself!

Mind Boday Awareness eBook CoverMy new eBook, Healing Yourself Through Mind-Body Awareness, offers new insights into the relationship of the body and the mind in terms of disease and healing. Views about the body are explored in an attempt to understand why certain physical issues might present and how the body can be considered an out-picturing of the mind. I share ideas from Eastern philosophy of the body-mind, energy medicine, as well my own interesting ideas from my energy medicine practice of 16 years, both in the U.S. and abroad. The body and health in general are arenas in which we can learn a great deal about ourselves and about the world.

Competitively priced at $3.99, this eBook is 24 pages and is non-refundable. Ready to purchase, Click Store.

Stay tuned for other exciting and insightful eBooks, videos and course offerings!

Embracing Life’s Changes

6a011168668cad970c01157223665f970bAt varying times in our lives, we arrive at a place in our psychological/spiritual development in which we begin to feel that our outer world may not be supporting our inner world, this causes us to pay attention and make changes.

When we reach these junctures, certain feelings may arise:

we may feel unfulfilled or bored;
we may find that we have unrealistic expectations;
we may have an overly negative attitude;
we may feel uninterested in our life situation;
we may have work or family difficulties that were not expected.

It is at these times that we are often ready for change or what has been termed a “rebirth.” Our old compasses may no longer work and the new compass needs to be held differently. It may be a time to revisit our intentions and goals in order to course correct.

Also, throughout our lifetime, we must recognize that things cannot stay the same. Part of life involves change and growth. How else are we to learn?

So we can ask ourselves some questions:

“How might I see or participate in my current circumstances differently?”
“What am I avoiding feeling or doing and how might I embrace this?”
“Am I willing to change, and if so, how?”
“What have I not yet ‘become’ and am I willing to embrace this now?”
What plan might I create for myself and how can I take my first step?”

As we then embrace this time, instead of resisting the feelings and circumstances, we can see it as a twist or turn on life’s path that takes us into new realms that can further our life lessons.

Four Stages in the Process of Life

We create our life stories every living moment through our thoughts and perceptions. Did you know that your most powerful internal thoughts are your “I am” statements? So it’s important to be aware of the thoughts we have and to monitor them because your thoughts and beliefs are influencing your behaviors, and in turn creating your life. This short video will help you change your thoughts to create a better life.

Unlearning Behaviors: Procrastination

While there are many behaviors that my clients have said they wish to unlearn, one in particular stands out the most. This is a behavior that can affect every aspect of your life–personally and professionally. It can become a lifestyle. And you probably know what it is: Procrastination. Watch to learn more!

This Play Called “Life”

Life is like a tapestry that can at times seem full of loose threads and knotted yarn, yet at the end of our lives, when we turn this work of art over, we will witness a picture that is perfectly what it needed to be. You see, there is a view that everything that has happened in our lives has occurred for us to learn our specific life lessons—so, periodically, it’s helpful to look at patterns in our experiences to understand better the events that have shaped our lives. Watch this short Heartliving video to learn more.


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