The Most Important Five Minutes of Your Day!

sleep imageSpiritual writers for centuries have talked about the power of positive thought, mentioning how our thoughts create our reality. A few have talked about the power of the thoughts you hold BEFORE falling asleep each evening, asserting that these thoughts are perhaps the most powerful. Why?

As you sleep, you enter into your subconscious and unconscious levels of the mind. These are deeply connected to your psyche, influencing your body, your health, and your reality at large.

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), remarkable renowned psychic and spiritual teacher, suggested that before bedtime, you should spend five to ten minutes imagining the body you wish to have–perfect weight, health, and vitality. Since this would be the last thing on your mind before bedtime, your thoughts would continue to influence your deeper layers of the mind in your sleep state and, in turn, help you to manifest your desires.

Dr. Wayne Dyer in his book Wishes Fulfilled (2012) states that sleep is a natural state for the subconscious mind and advises that the last five minutes of your day BEFORE you enter the sleep state are “the most important five minutes of your day” (p. 136). It is during this brief time that Dyer suggests you can do one of two things: (1) Review the day in regard to frustrations and disappointments or (2) Allow yourself to reflect on and feel what it would be like for your “dreams to come true”–in other words, for you to have the best circumstances.

Not too long ago, I had a difficult couple of days. Things had not turned out as I had hoped they would in regard to a specific plan. In fact, I felt betrayed by what felt like a “false presentation” of opportunity that had been presented to me.

The first night I tossed and turned and woke up feeling such loss. The day that followed felt dreary and it was hard to be positive as much as I was trying.

That second night, though, I thought about the power of the last five minutes. I took several deep breaths, bringing mindfulness to my body. Then I imagined the situation being “taken up” in a beautiful balloon and returned to the “heavens” to be transformed. I saw in my awareness a much larger picture than the exchange that had taken place on this Earth plane in which I had felt disappointed.

In contrast, I saw that it had all been a lesson for me and that in the greater scheme of my life, all was well. I then focused on the people involved and saw and felt a stream of light from my heart being sent to theirs. I wished them well on this journey. I honestly felt so much peace.

The next morning I woke up feeling so much better–energized, peaceful, and happy.

I share this story with you because I know the power of this simple technique, and I encourage you each night to use it as a spiritual tool. May it bring you greater peace!

The Power of Negative Thinking

thinkYour attitude toward life reflects the way you interpret your world. Your experience is impacted not so much by what life brings you, but by the way your mind interprets what happens.

If you don’t like something that happens and you cannot change it, at least change the way you think about it!

Triggers that cause negative thinking:

  • Overgeneralizing: assuming that because it happened once, it will happen again.
  • Catastrophizing: predicting and expecting the worst outcome.
  • Mind-reading: believing that you know what others are thinking.
  • Exaggerating: giving negative events more importance than they deserve.
  • Personalizing: taking things very personally without evidence to support it.
  • Blaming yourself: accepting blame–“it’s all my fault.”
  • Extremes: using extremist words, like “always,” “never,” “nobody,” and so on.

People take you at your own estimation of yourself, so it is important that you behave “as if” you can do something well or that life is good. Remember that “like attracts like,” so if you put out negative thoughts, you are likely to attract more negativity to yourself. Be your own best advocate!

We Are Family

Silhouettes-1Wherever you landed on your family tree has affected you in countless ways. No greater influence exists during your growing up years than your family. Your parents as well as your siblings make such a powerful impact on you that this affects your forever.

The relationship dynamics of a family depend in large part on order of birth. Every time a child is born the family environment changes. How parents interact with each new family member affects not only that child, but also the other siblings.

Principles of birth order are not simplistic. For example, if you have two children in a family (a girl and a boy), each is considered a First Born since each is the first of that sex; however, the boy is also a Last Born. So the two dynamics are blended. If there is a gap in a family of 6 or more years, the first child of the second set is considered a blend of a First Born as well as a Middle Born.

Here are a few very interesting ideas about birth order characteristics of children based on research:

First Borns: Take charge (may be overbearing); command respect (may focus on goals rather than feelings); do things right (may criticize self and others); have things under control (may be less flexible); conscientious and strong-willed (sometimes stubborn).

Middle Borns: Often are mediators (want everyone to get along); act realistic (sometimes don’t expect as much of self or others); relationships important (may be too influenced by friends); feel invisible (may stay in background or be rebellious); get along well (may want peace at any price and so let others take advantage); can be trusted (may fail to admit when they need help).

Last Borns: Are likeable, fun, easy (may appear less disciplined); caring (can be gullible); humorous (may not be serious when need to be); relaxed (may not be focused); persistent (may see things only their way).

Only Child: Might be self-focused (didn’t have to compete with other children); trust self (may even be too independent in relationship); also often has characteristics of First Born (above).

Did you know the birth order of the following famous people?

First Borns: Bill Cosby, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie, Oprah Winfrey

Middle Borns: JFK, Princess Diana, Jennifer Lopez, Bill Gates

Last Borns: Whoopi Goldberg, Drew Carey, Jim Carrey, Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, Ellen DeGeneres, Jon Stewart.

Every birth order has inherent strengths and challenges, and no birth order is better than another. Of course, many variables contribute to one’s overall personality and success in life. Perhaps, simply knowing these ideas might allow a person to step back and take a different perspective on family dynamics.

Just Say “YES!”

5386_0492014140449_350A friend turned me on to a great band from San Diego. The Yes Team. The mission of this talented musical trio comprised of, Kinnie Dye, Jonathan Walsh, & TJ Moss, is simple: “spreading unity through harmony!” They’ve already won an Emmy Award, numerous songwriting contests, and garnered a fan base from coast to coast. Their lyrics are so positive and tunes memorable. I find myself humming their songs throughout the day.

Like them on Facebook, and check out their press kit to see their calendar. Listen (below) to the title track “Life is Good” from their EP of the same name. If you like what you hear, you can buy and download their songs on iTunes.

And as The Yes Team sings to us, “life is good to those who seek it” so “make happiness your bottom line!”




The Healing Power of Crystals

love_heart_rose_quartzCrystals are composed of minerals and are part of the Earth’s energy. Each crystal with its own color, configuration, and properties is believed to hold a different Earth memory and energy.

Throughout history, most religions and cultures have used stones and crystals for both decorative and symbolic purposes. For example, the Celtic people understood that garnet gave a person courage and energy to take appropriate action. Certain Native American tribes placed turquoise on the breastplates of warriors to provide protection. In ancient Babylon and Greece, agate was used as a charm of healing and protection. Amber has been used in ancient cultures as a bringer of courage and honesty.

While wearing jewelry containing crystals and stones is an age-old tradition, more recently it seems as a society we have rediscovered the beauty and power of crystals not only for adornment, but also for assisting in healing the body’s energy.

Stones can be used to stimulate and heal energy in the body. For example, the following stones, among others, are associated with specific purposes:

  • To increase your general well-being: clear quartz and zircon;
  • To balance your emotions and reduce depression: jade, aventurine, rose quartz;
  • To aid in digestion and ease food allergies: citrine, turquoise, agate;
  • To ease pain, agitation, and stress: amethyst, sugilite, labradorite.

You can place these stones in your pockets, in the area where you sleep or work, or wear jewelry containing these stones.

By understanding the therapeutic and historical associations of stones and crystals, you can wisely choose stones that can bring both beauty and healing power into your life.

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