We are all unlimited beings, and only individual beliefs truly hold us back. Therefore, it is important to understand the fundamentals of thought to gain new insights into creating the life you want.
Thoughts and beliefs exist as tiny waves of energy called a “thoughtform,” a minute wave of energy that carries a vibrational frequency. Think of yourself as having an energetic signature that is derived from your beliefs. This signature attracts experiences into your life and can limit some beneficial experiences because of its vibration. So by changing your beliefs (and your vibrational frequency), it is possible to attract new, more desirable experiences into your life!
Which thoughtforms most rob you of manifesting your desires? –Fear, doubt, judgment, and worry are among the strongest!
Here are some tips for positive change:
1. Adopt the attitude that everything is happening for a good reason, so you can turn the negative vibration related to the experience you’ve had into a higher vibration.
2. Decide that you can learn something from every experience and that you are ready to let go of painful ones. Decide what you’ve “learned,” and move on.
3. Change your list of judgments you hold about yourself. If you are not your own advocate, who will be?
4. Monitor your self-talk and get rid of that inner critic by pausing and being mindful of how you view and treat yourself.
5. Practice positive affirmations and thoughts, such as “I love myself”; “I am worthy”; “Wonderful experiences come to me”!
6. Replace old negative behaviors with positive ones. Of course, positive thoughts lead to positive actions, so think positively and hold a structure for yourself to redirect the energy and vibration.
7. Remember that “like attracts like” and pay attention to where you are investing yourself and your spirit.
Know that what you REALLY expect, you receive, so expect good things to come to you!
Hunger exists in many forms. There is the hunger for food, but also the hunger for love, for purpose, for truth . . . and the hunger for a life that reflects that truth.
When an individual consistently or compulsively overeats, it may be unconsciously aimed at satisfying a hunger for something other than just food. It is important to recognize that the primary driving forces underlying overeating are often our deeply hidden wishes and fears. Understanding this is the first step toward feeding the true hunger.
Next, it is essential to become aware of any medical problems that might contribute to the overweight condition. Once that is addressed, if you are consistently unable to lose weight or keep it off and find yourself overeating, while you may be aware only of your wish to be thin, you must recognize that another wish does exist, whether it is conscious or unconscious. Your wish to be thin must override all your other wishes for it to be fulfilled.
It is often astonishing to become aware of our internal wishes that have been operating without our awareness. Some people unconsciously overeat as a way of symbolically recovering the feeling of being cared for. Eating has little to do with real hunger, but rather relates to a hunger for love. Eating is accompanied by the safe feeling of being nurtured and fed.
Some people use food to comfort themselves and have learned that when they cannot have another object (a person or thing), that they can have food to soothe themselves. In their families of origin, was food a substitute for love or nurturing or was it closely connected to nurturing or positive feelings?
If you are aware that your eating symbolically represents supplying love or nurturing to yourself, then it is critical that you also realize that overeating is not actually going to fulfill those needs.
Know that you can get these nurturing feelings in other ways, such as indulging in a good book, a friend’s company, a massage, a creative hobby, or a supportive group event as wonderful heart food that may be more sustaining. The important thing is to understand what’s driving the true hunger.
Join me at 6:00 pm, on October 25, 2016, at the Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital-Education Center, Virginia Beach, VA, for an enlightening seminar on heart health, Getting To The Heart Of Your Health. During my 2 hour presentation, sponsored by Deepak Tareja MD, Cardiovascular Associates, I will guide you through powerful principles for creating excellent health and help you contribute to your overall well-being by understanding:
The power of your mind in creating a healthy body
Healthy habits to create physical harmony
Ways to implement keys to greater health & balance
Techniques for generating wellness!
Seminar includes a handout for easy reference of healing concepts.
The seminar fee is $25.00. Spaces are limited and selling quickly. If you’re ready to improve your health now, click Register.
At varying times in our lives, we arrive at a place in our psychological/spiritual development in which we begin to feel that our outer world may not be supporting our inner world. This causes us to pay attention and make changes.
When we reach these junctures, certain feelings may arise:
we may feel unfulfilled or bored;
we may find that we have unrealistic expectations;
we may have an overly negative attitude;
we may feel uninterested in our life situation;
we may have work or family difficulties that were not expected.
It is at these times that we are often ready for change or what has been termed a “rebirth.” Our old compasses may no longer work and the new compass needs to be held differently. It may be a time to revisit our intentions and goals in order to course correct.
Also, throughout our lifetime, we must recognize that things cannot stay the same. Part of life involves change and growth. How else are we to learn?
So we can ask ourselves some questions:
“How might I see or participate in my current circumstances differently?”
“What am I avoiding feeling or doing and how might I embrace this?”
“Am I willing to change, and if so, how?”
“What have I not yet ‘become’ and am I willing to embrace this now?”
What plan might I create for myself and how can I take my first step?”
As we then embrace this time, instead of resisting the feelings and circumstances, we can see it as a twist or turn on life’s path that takes us into new realms that can further our life lessons.
The dictionary defines procrastination as “to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.”
Now everyone has procrastinated at some point or delayed taking action in a certain situation, but when procrastination becomes a real issue, it can seriously affect your performance and, in turn, all areas of your life.
Perhaps you miss opportunities because you delay taking action– or you receive late notices because you don’t pay your bills on time. Maybe you delay starting a work project until the deadline is immediate. Or you leave your gift shopping until the last minute.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Before we can look at a technique to change this behavior, it’s important to consider just a few reasons why you may procrastinate.
First, you may decide that tomorrow seems like a better day to get started– or if you can’t give something a lot of time (like the whole day), there’s no sense in getting started.
This is really a stalling response because you don’t feel like doing the activity.
People who might be termed “feel good” types—where feeling good or enjoying something is most important to them—are often procrastinators. They are looking for instant good feelings rather than a delayed gratification that comes from doing the task and not feeling good now at this moment– but feeling good later when the task is completed.
The trouble is that if you delay doing the task, if you’re a feel-good type, you probably won’t feel any more like doing it tomorrow than you did today.
Second, many procrastinators tell themselves that they work better under pressure. These people are often perfectionists. Did you know that perfectionism and procrastination go hand in hand?
You see, by waiting, you may be giving yourself permission to limit the amount of time you have to work on something and, therefore, giving yourself the excuse of accepting the end result based on not having enough time to make it perfect! You get yourself off the “it has to be perfect” hook. And you may even get a rush out of the last-minute push while settling for whatever the end product becomes.
And there’s still another type of procrastinator: Some people avoid doing the task because they are what I call “decision-impaired”—and by that I mean that they have difficulty making a decision because they’re concerned about making the wrong decision. Of course, they forget that not deciding or delaying too long can create a decision.
So, to end the procrastination game, you have to understand that you’re probably getting some kind of pay-off from that behavior, like those we’ve mentioned, or you would be unlikely to continue to procrastinate.
You see, if you’re trying to change a behavior, but you ultimately (consciously or subconsciously) gain more from staying the same than from changing, you will find it more difficult to change that behavior. So you have to decide what the pay-off is.
Once you realize that the pay-off, such as feeling good, settling for less than a perfect result, or avoiding making a decision, doesn’t really benefit you ultimately, you can change what you’re doing.
Here are just a few tips:
First– just get started. Take a step. Don’t get hung up on how. Don’t look at the clock and decide that you don’t have enough time. Break your task into manageable steps and, seriously, just get started.
Second—if you’re a feel-good type who avoids getting started, you have to realize that when you tell yourself that you’ll feel more like doing your task later, that you’re lying to yourself. You’re actually going to feel really good when you complete the task. That’s the real feel-good time. So remain focused, willing, and committed to your goal.
And some people plan a reward that they will receive after the completion of the task which motivates them to keep going.
Above all, focus on taking action and keep yourself moving. You can change your motivation and the quality of your daily life!