Heartliving Workshop, The Power of Your Dreams, coming up on Saturday, November 4, 2017, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., has quickly filled up. Good news however— a few spaces are still available!

Your dreams are extremely powerful as a source of information and healing. In this exciting and informative workshop, we will explore:

  • The history of dreams and approaches to dream analysis
  • Sleep stages and cycles, particularly progression of five sleep stages
  • Tips for achieving a good night’s sleep and remembering your dreams
  • Types of dreams, such as night terror, lucid dreams, & paranormal dreams in particular?
  • Format for keeping a dream journal of entries;
  • Ways to categorize your dreams, for example, clearance, spiritual guidance, psychic/prophetic, and lucid dreams;
  • The thirteen themes of spiritual guidance dreams;
  • What “chase,” “search,” “avoidance,” “entrapment,” and “flying” dreams may mean
  • Meanings of dreams of injury, disease, or fighting, as well as recurrent dreams;
  • Importance of dream fragment
  • Ways to enhance dream recall, including creative dreaming activities!

Program Fee: $165 (includes course materials, supplies, and food).

Ready to Enhance Your Life? Call Diane Roche, 757.467.6470, by October 31st to register.

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