Sleep is vital to our well-being, allowing us to remain healthy mentally as well as physically. Have you experienced difficulty with sleep patterns? Wondered how to handle insomnia?

I worked with a dream analyst for seven years and learned so much about not only the power of dreams and how to interpret them, but the importance of getting sound sleep!

Sleep requirements (the number of hours a person needs each night) are very individual, but research has shown that people who get 7-8 hours of sleep per night have less chance of having high blood pressure, heart disease, as well as anxiety and depression, among other health issues.

Our sleep patterns do change as we get older. For example, an infant needs 16-18 hours sleep in a 24-hour period, perhaps for growth and development. A teenager often sleep 7-10 hours which is believed to be needed for hormonal changes. The average adult needs 7-8 hours, yet as people get older this gets less.

A good night’s sleep usually restores you–body, mind, and spirit–and provides numerous benefits to keep your body healthy:

  • Better concentration and mood
  • Enhanced immune system and improved health
  • Increased energy levels.

How, then, can you influence your chance of having a good night’s sleep? Here are a few tips:

  • Create an inviting space: the right temperature; comfortable mattress, bedding, and pillows; proper lighting (dark is best);
  • Create a helpful evening ritual to wind down: a warm bath with a few drops of lavender oil can be calming; listening to soft, relaxing music (certain music is designed to induce sleep);
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol late in the evening or eating spicy foods since this is known to affect sleep rhythms; drink a cup of milk instead (it contains tryptophan which helps you become sleepy);
  • Exercise and eat well each day since that contributes to a healthier body and better sleep patterns!

A good night’s sleep helps you keep our body at its healthiest. If you have tried these suggested steps or others, and still have difficulty, seek medical help in discovering what you can do to change your patterns and achieve a sound and consistent night’s sleep.

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