The skin is a filter between the inner and outer worlds of the body.  Detox baths are an inexpensive and effective method of cleansing and helping the body rid itself of toxins.

Using hot water is considered most effective since the heat and steam increase the sweat and open the pores, allowing toxic sweat to readily exit the skin.  (Of course, if you are ill, or have high blood pressure or experience dizziness, nausea, or weakness due to hot water, you would adjust the temperature or get out of the bath immediately.  Use common sense and consult a physician if necessary.)

Types of Detox Baths:

Epsom Salts:  This is a great bath to relax tired muscles and to detox the body.  The magnesium content helps relax muscles while the sulfur component aids in detoxing. The recommended amount to use in an average tub varies, but most recommend a half-gallon box of Epsom Salts to a tub of water.

Apple Cider Vinegar:  Vinegar helps increase blood supply to the skin.  Raw apple cider vinegar is recommended (not distilled, white vinegar).  Use 1/4 cup to 1 cup per bath.

Baking Soda:  This helps restore the acid/alkaline balance of the skin.  A baking soda bath is very helpful in healing skin irritations or drying any rash.  Use 8 ounces of baking soda per bath.

Ginger Root:  Ginger helps stimulate the body to sweat and draws toxins to the skin’s surface.  Use a half-inch of fresh ginger root (usually found in the produce aisle).  Place the root in a pan of about 2 cups of water and bring to a boil.  Turn off heat and steep for 30 minutes; remove the root and pour the liquid into the bath water.

Herbal Tea:  Particularly effective in the bath are catnip, peppermint, chamomile, horsetail, and yarrow.  Use one cup of the brewed tea per tub of water.  Generally use only one herb at a time.  Each herb can be researched for its healing and stimulating properties.

Oatmeal:  This is a wonderful bath for any type of skin irritation (insect bites, poison ivy) since it soothes the skin.   Add a cup of oatmeal (flakes or ground) to your bath water.

You can take a detox bath 1-3 times per week or as needed.  Before, during, or after the bath, drink 8 ounces of pure water to hydrate the body.  Make this a soothing ritual that you enjoy.  Light candles and relax!

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