Are you frequently engaged in a quest for your car keys? Do you fight with your closet to find what to wear? Is stress your daily companion?

An organized life will allow you to have less chaos, more time, and even better mental health!

Why do we become disorganized? First, the creation of physical chaos is a result that originates with your very thoughts. When you are distracted or overly committed, you are less likely to create or have order. You can clear your mind first or clear your clutter. If you are in doubt, start with clearing your closet! It’s amazing what that simple act can do to calm your mind and your life. And that’s just the beginning. . . .

While you may be attached to your clothes (even those you haven’t worn or those that don’t fit any longer), please know that weight and stuff are simply barriers against a world we think is threatening. When you shed the excess you reconnect with your life.

Here are some simple steps to get started:

Step 1: Choose one clothes closet and take everything out of it. If the closet is a walk-in or large, you can do this in stages.

Step 2: Decide the best and most efficient way to hang or store items (this may require some shelves or added pole).

Step 3: When you are set, add each item back one at a time after you have decided that you will KEEP it. In other words, if it doesn’t fit, isn’t the right color, you have two of them, etc., you need to let it go! There are wonderful charities longing for that piece.

Step 4: Decide on ONE type of hanger. Avoid thin wire hangers that are harder to line up or that get tangled with each other. Choose the same plastic style, preferably a thinner type to maximize space.

Step 5: Hang all blouses, all pants, all dresses, all suits—in the same section. This will help you figure out what you really do have, make it easier to find a particular item, and help you maintain order.

Step 6: Make sure that all items are placed facing the same direction. It’s easier to see the front of an item.

Step 7: Hang all colors together in sections if you prefer that method. It’s easier to color coordinate what you are wearing.

Step 8: Shoes and purses can be lined up in order on shelves by color.

Finally, if the closet is large enough or there is any wall space at all that is visible, hang a small framed reminder, like “I am beautiful!” (you and the closet).

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