We are all unlimited beings, and only individual beliefs truly hold us back. Therefore, it is important to understand the fundamentals of thought to gain new insights into creating the life you want.

Thoughts and beliefs exist as tiny waves of energy called a “thoughtform,” a minute wave of energy that carries a vibrational frequency. Think of yourself as having an energetic signature that is derived from your beliefs. This signature attracts experiences into your life and can limit some beneficial experiences because of its vibration. So by changing your beliefs (and your vibrational frequency), it is possible to attract new, more desirable experiences into your life!

Which thoughtforms most rob you of manifesting your desires? –Fear, doubt, judgment, and worry are among the strongest!

Here are some tips for positive change:

1. Adopt the attitude that everything is happening for a good reason, so you can turn the negative vibration related to the experience you’ve had into a higher vibration.

2. Decide that you can learn something from every experience and that you are ready to let go of painful ones. Decide what you’ve “learned,” and move on.

3. Change your list of judgments you hold about yourself. If you are not your own advocate, who will be?

4. Monitor your self-talk and get rid of that inner critic by pausing and being mindful of how you view and treat yourself.

5. Practice positive affirmations and thoughts, such as “I love myself”; “I am worthy”; “Wonderful experiences come to me”!

6. Replace old negative behaviors with positive ones. Of course, positive thoughts lead to positive actions, so think positively and hold a structure for yourself to redirect the energy and vibration.

7. Remember that “like attracts like” and pay attention to where you are investing yourself and your spirit.

Know that what you REALLY expect, you receive, so expect good things to come to you!

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