Most people have at some point had a dream of flying. The more creative you are, the more likely you are to have flying dreams.

Flying dreams are considered “spiritual” and are seen as symbolic of several possibilities. They may indicate:

  • your relationship to your ambition in the world—your spirit is soaring high;
  • that you are trying to gain psychological freedom from everyday life;
  • that you can triumph over obstacles.

A dream in which you fly would suggest that whatever the circumstances are in your life, that you are seeking to reach for greater heights. You can assess the dream by looking at basic factors: How high are you flying? How are you feeling about this experience?

Dreams are magical, and analyzing them is a fascinating process. When you dream, you are to some extent finding answers to problems that have carried over into sleep from your waking life. Using on-line resources for dream interpretation or a good dream dictionary can provide you with insight into the meaning of the dreams, and hence, the meaning of your life!

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