When the desire to eat becomes overwhelming, you can overcome emotional eating by staying conscious of your choices.


1. Talk to yourself. Tell yourself, “This feeling will pass whether I eat or not.” The discomfort will not last forever.

2. Take time out. For ten minutes, resist the urge to eat and ask yourself what is going on. Allow yourself to feel your feelings and even to write about them.

3. Call someone. A brief phone call to a friend or relative may provide the emotional connection that you need.

4. Create a list of alternative activities and post it on your refrigerator. When the eating mood strikes, refer to your list.

5. Plan to have healthy snacks available, already prepared. Remember to choose what you eat consciously and remain in control of your choices.

6. Feed your heart. How are you doing? Indulge in a massage, a walk in nature, a group event, or some other satisfying way to stay in touch with your heart and to celebrate yourself!

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