You probably know that healing doesn’t generally happen if your thoughts are unhealthy or negative. In fact, if you are often doubt-ridden, this doubt has a powerful influence on your ability to manifest.

Creating change requires courage and a structured attempt to let go of cynicism and self-criticism.

One of the ways we sabotage ourselves is through our language. Every thought is a form of energy that we send out to the universe that returns to us. So how might creating positive affirmations, or statements, assist you in manifesting what you desire?

Many intuitives and spiritual teachers guide us in the creation of positive affirmations. Here are some tips toward creating affirmations that will assist you on your journey:

  • When you create an affirmation, state it positively. (“I am healthy” vs. “I am not ill.”)
  • State it in the present as if you already have what you desire. (“I have abundant wealth” vs. “I will have wealth.”)
  • Make it concise. A one-sentence, succinct affirmation is best. (“I am forgiving and loving.”)
  • Make the affirmation about you and not others. (“I am full of energy” vs. “I receive prayers from others.”)
  • Make the affirmation specific and achievable. (“I exercise three times each week” vs. “I will exercise.”)

When your affirmation is clear, repeat it consistently each day. Trust that the universe hears your voice and heeds your request. Each day give thanks for what you know you will receive.

Want to learn more about creating positive affirmations and manifesting the life you desire? Then sign up for the new Heartliving Workshop, “The Art of Manifesting!” The 2-day workshop, to be held Oct. 24th & 25th, 2015, at the Virginia Beach Conference Center, is all about igniting your life and living on purpose. Click Register to learn more and enroll in the workshop. Enrollment is limited and right now there is an EARLY BIRD special price– so sign-up now to secure your spot! Register

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