“People and things do not upset us, rather we upset ourselves by believing that they can upset us.” –Albert Ellis

“We become what we think about all day long.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” –Shakespeare


Do you sometimes catch yourself verbalizing thoughts that are self-defeating? Do you hope desperately for something yet limit what you think you deserve, thereby dividing yourself against yourself?

Or do you understand that your thoughts do, in fact, create your reality, yet still feel unable to move your awareness about this into any conscious action to change?

It is my view that awareness is a first step toward conscious living. So how do you move through awareness into action? A necessary second step is willingness–that is, the willingness to hold consciousness in the moment toward what you wish to have or be. Remember that your knowledge is not complete unless you act on what you know.

For example, I may desire a better financial situation. My desire may not be congruent with my thoughts. Throughout the day, I may be lamenting that I do not have enough money and focusing on this lack.

So what can I do to align my thoughts with the reality that I wish to create?

An important step would be to act as though you already are what and where you would like to be. You would then concentrate on what it would look and feel like to have or be the desired result.

You can use the power of visualization to support your conscious thoughts. See yourself manifesting what you desire. If you wish to be out of debt, visualize yourself with all that you need financially, visualize a “0” debt balance. Add an affirmation that you repeat consciously each day: “I draw wealth to myself. I have all the money that I need to bring good into the world.” Choose words that resonate with you and match your positive visualization.

It would also be important to take note of what you do have–enough water, food, sun, air, clothes, shelter, friends, love, work. If you find yourself lamenting over what you do not have, remind yourself of two important things that you do have.

When you are able to take delight in what you do have and feel grateful, you will draw more to yourself. Energetically, it is as though you open yourself up to a state of flow and abundance.

Remember that positive changes are most often ignited by our willingness to believe in them!

Want to learn more about the power of positive thinking and manifesting your best life? Then attend Heartliving’s upcoming workshop, “The Art of Manifesting: Creating the Life You Desire”, to be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 24-25,2015, at the Virginia Beach Resort Hotel and Conference Center, Virginia Beach, VA. To learn more about this life changing program and to take advantage of the “Early Bird” discount click here: Register

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