angelThe word “angel” is derived from the Latin “angelus” and the Greek “angelos” meaning “one going” or “one sent,” also “messenger.”

The belief that God sends a spirit to watch over every individual was common in ancient Greek philosophy. In the Middle Ages it was believed that the heavens and the stars and all of the cosmos were alive, full of angels and God. In numerous faiths, angels are mentioned.

Since the beginning of time, angels have delivered God’s messages to humankind. From a spiritual, academic standpoint, angelic messages were primarily intended to provide:

  • warnings of impending danger
  • instructions as to what to do in a particular situation
  • information that angels are there to protect
  • joyful announcements.

In metaphysics, angels are said to have great power and long to be made use of, desiring us to call on them to request assistance. So in addition to requesting assistance from the angels, how might we know signs from them?

Signs that the angels are drawing close or making contact include:

  • unexpected, intuitive knowledge that comes to you
  • an instant feeling of well being or love
  • a fragrance in the air like a presence
  • a movement of material or physical matter (something is missing and then found)
  • a dream in which an important feeling or message is given.

According to some angelologists, the most angelic signature of an angel, however, is the white feather!

Want to learn more about angels, angelic energy and functions, and your guardian angel in particular? Then tune into my radio show, Heartliving with Dr. Cynthia Bischoff, March 1st, 2015 (tomorrow) at 7:00 pm EST, on radio station 1510 am WMEX Boston, or later next week on Dreamvisions 7 Radio.

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